Some have asked if I've wet myself yet. Sadly, the answer is yes. I have peed myself a few times now after coughing. I still have managed to hold it after sneezing which is a bonus. Hey, if I can share my kankle pics with you, why not share my pee stories? It will all be over within a few months anyway, right? RIGHT??????
Passing The Baton
1 year ago
I peed every time I ran up the stairs. When my dr. checked it out he assured me it was NOT amniotic fluid and after a long explanation and some big words I stopped him and said "Soooo...basically I'm just peeing my pants."
I have to say that I STILL have a little leaker now and again.... I just don't think things go back to the way they used to be if you know what I mean.... UGH! Yes, like Kathy said... supposedly kegals is the answer but who has time to do that... XO
Yeah I know right!?!...who really DOES kegals??
well yes... I did a lot of the peeing when prego with Ally. Then I actually did do my kegals & it got better & finally I didn't pee my pants anymore....but now prego again......coughing does it! not everytime, but i leak hear & there. Do the kegals. They work! I swear!!
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