So I have been trying to bring in semi healthy snacks that I can munch on at work during the day before I have lunch. Yes, that would be snacks - plural. This child inside of me is more like an alien that sucks out all the food, water, juice I consume so I find myself eating rather frequently these days in order to avoid a headache since Tylenol seems to be more like a stupid sugar pill rather than an actual pain reliever.
ANYWHO, so I started bringing two string cheese sticks a week to start. I am lucky to have a fridge on my floor here so it's quick and easy to throw the SC in the fridge when I get in. Now, I only had been bringing two rather than five because half of the time I forget I even brought something and put it in the fridge. Okay, anyway, when I did actually remember that I had SC, I went to grab one of the two that I brought only to find there was only ONE left in there. Someone had taken the other SC. Now, this irked me at first but I let it slide because maybe someone was more hungry than a pregnant woman - maybe. So I grabbed the one SC left and ate it. I then brought two more SC sticks in a week or two later. Again, when I remembered I had yummy snacks waiting for me, I went to grab one. And AGAIN, there was only ONE in there! Now, I let this slide the first time but second time, NOT COOL! I'm pregnant - for the love of God already! Food to me is like finding a hundred dollar bill to you un-pregnant folks. But okay. Again, someone was apparently more hungry than a pregnant woman. Let it slide again but I am seething now. But readers, don't worry. Just because someone took it upon themselves to eat my food that was in the fridge doesn't mean I ended up starving. No, I keep tons of fat snacks in my cubby in my cube. So while SC sounded delightful, I could deal with a granola bar. So third time's a charm, right? WRONG!! It happens again. Fourth time....I decide to get smart and now I write my name on my SC sticks with a black permanent pen. I am happy to report that there were NO incidents this week. I was able to eat both SC sticks with no problems! I feel like this is a major victory on my part and hope that it happens again next week! If for some reason writing my name in BIG BLACK LETTERS doesn't do the trick anymore, have no doubt you will be hearing about it! Until then, have a Coke and a smile!
Passing The Baton
1 year ago
How dare they!! Stoopid people!! Well I am glad that they leave your snacks alone now!! Never forget to write your name on your cheese!!!!!!!!!! :)
love ya!
Oh my goodness Sara! Thanks for the good laughs. I enjoy your blogs so much.
Geeez.... those crazy cheese snatchers! XO
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